——-Japanese translation below——-
The global leader in wakesurfing, the CWSA, is proud to announce that the ‘CWSA JAPAN’ will begin operations in Japan immediately to expand the sport in Japan, develop, assist and support Japanese wakesurf athletes, and to promote and support CWSA sanctioned events in Japan.
For the last decade wakesurfing has been the fastest growing towed marine sports in the USA, and over the past few years the stoke and enthusiasm for the sport has exploded in Japan, the Asia Pacific region and in Europe.
The number of organized wakesurf competitions held around the world has grown exponentially, driven by the CWSA and its work to standardize rules, event formats, the World Ranking System, and to expand the size and international scope of the World Series of Wakesurfing and of athletes who can qualify to compete in the World Wake Surfing Championship.
In Japan wakesurfing has gained wide popularity in the last last few years, and the time is ripe now to promote the CWSA standard rules in Japanese competitions. Therefore, CWSA JAPAN has been launched by the Japan Wake Surf Federation with the CWSA.
The CWSA JAPAN will advance the mission of the CWSA to ‘promote the sport of wake surfing, provide recommended consistent and fair standards governing wake surfing events and tournaments, and to provide effective communication regarding wake surfing events and significant issues of interest to stake holders in the wakesurfing industry.
By using the CWSA mission and the developed infrastructure, the CWSA JAPAN will promote high standards of conduct within the sport in Japan. It will also actively inform and educate Japanese athletes on the use of the CWSA developed and globally used rules, regulations and standards within the sport. The CWSA JAPAN will also engage in activities that develop and promote the sport of wake surfing in Japan for the best interests of the sport, the Japanese CWSA membership and the general public. The CWSA JAPAN will also conduct wakesurf events in Japan that foster the growth of the sport of wakesurfing an encourage safety in all aspects of wakesurfing. Finally, the CWSA JAPAN will facilitate good relations within the wakesurf industry to promote economic well-being through commerce.
- All Japanese nationals who are members of the CWSA are automatically members of CWSA JAPAN.
- CWSA JAPAN will provide and facilitate communication and information for Japanese athletes
- CWSA JAPAN will facilitate and support CWSA sanctioned events in Japan
- CWSA JAPAN advise and consult CWSA sanctioned events in Japan
- CWSA JAPAN will develop content for a Japanese language webpage on the CWSA website
- CWSA JAPAN will support development of wakesurf athletes in Japan, and Japanese athletes participating in international competitions
- CWSA JAPAN will work with the marine industry and local communities in Japan to promote wakesurfing
The operations of the CWSA JAPAN will be guided by its Board:
Katsumasa Yamashita, Chairman
Keiji Umemura, Director
Masashi Hashimoto, Director
Yoshihiro Saki, Director
Haruo Shioda, Auditor
Director Keiji Umemura will serve as the CWSA JAPAN representative for CWSA board meetings.
CWSA JAPAN 設立のお知らせ
ウェイクサーフィンのグローバルリーダーであるThe CWSA(米国)は、この度CWSA JAPANを設立したことを報告致します。CWSA JAPANは「日本においてウェイクサーフィンを発展させる」という大きな目的で設立され、今後ウェイクサーフィンを愛するアスリートの育成サポートを行い、公式ルールに基づくCWSA公認の競技大会を開催していきます。
ウェイクサーフィンはトーイングボートを使用するスポーツの中、過去10年アメリカで最も成長してきたマリンスポーツです。 この流行はここ数年で一気に世界に拡がり、今では日本、アジアパシフィック地域、そして欧州に情熱的なファンを増やしています。それとともにCWSAが開催する大会数は、世界中で急激な増加を続けています。そして私たちは、競技ルール、コンペティションの開催、ライダー達のワールドランキングの基準を全世界的に標準化する活動を行っています。
一般社団法人 日本ウェイクサーフ連盟(Japan Wake Surf Federation “略称JWSF”)の志あるメンバーが中心となりCWSA JAPANを設立しました。
“CWSA JAPANはThe CWSAと共に、以下のミッションを目的に活動します”
CWSA JAPANは、その運営基盤を駆使し、CWSAグローバル標準ルールを日本において浸透させると共に、アスリートに対し情報提供と、その認知を深める活動を行います。また、ウェイクサーフィン業界、CWSAメンバー、地域コミュニーティーの発展に寄与し、アスリートの安全を第一に競技会を開催し、ウェイクスポーツの健全な発展に貢献します。
また、CWSA JAPANはウェイクサーフィン業界全体の良好な関係を目指し、ビジネスを通した経済的幸福を促進することに協力していきます。
“CWSA JAPANの具体的な活動”
全ての日本国籍を有するCWSAメンバーは、自動的にCWSA JAPANメンバーとし、全メンバーに情報の提供をおこない、コミュニケーションを促進します
CWSA JAPANは下記の理事会を通して活動を行います
代表理事 山下 勝正
理事 梅村 圭司 *CWSA JAPAN の代表者として CWSA 理事会に参加)
理事 橋本 勝史
理事 崎 芳弘
監事 塩田 晴男
注)一般社団法人日本ウェイクサーフ連盟は、CWSA JAPANの運営を目的とした、日本で設立された法人です。
– The CWSA Team
P.S. Don’t already have an account? Sign up today with a free account by clicking the link below.
Are you interested in competing in wakesurfing? Make sure you upgrade your membership to an annual or single event athlete account to be eligible for competition!
Your membership will be good through this year’s World Wake Surfing Championship.
Simply hit the ‘Upgrade Your Account’ tab in your profile to pay for a new membership and update your profile through the current season.
Login by clicking the link below.
Don’t already have an account? Sign up by clicking the link below.